It is working within guidelines (of the task) but without boundaries (of how you achieve it). It is not just about hot desking, and nor is it just about working from home. These are just two of many constituent parts of what agile working can be. In a nutshell, the definition of agile working is that it is based on the concept that "work is an activity we do, rather than a place we go ".
The agile spaces we have created at UCL moves us towards this concept, and provides a more flexible envrionment in which we can work more effectively and collaboratively. This is more centered on a team working on a project. Effortlessly is an adverb.
He did it effortlessly. Assonance normally relies on the repetition of a vowel. There is not really any special technique in the phrase. Canisters work way better on bare floors than uprights, because they are able to get under and around everything with ease.